Susan A. Basow, Professor Emerita of Psychology
Professor Basow is one of the early founders of Lafayette's Women's Studies program.

Kristen Berger, Class of 2015
A member and captain of the Lafayette softball team, Kristen co-founded the Respect Initiative, movement focused on diversity and inclusion within the athletic department.

Danielle Bero, Class of 2007
Danielle Bero is an educator, poet and filmmaker determined to make life as joyous and creative as possible.

Ann Carter, retired Director of Development Communications
Ann Carter retired from Lafayette College after 34 years of service.

Jeffrey Finegan, Class of 2017
Living in Old Town, Alexandria, VA, Jeffrey is currently employed by a United States Senator on Capital Hill.

Bryan Fox, Class of 2010
Bryan is an artist, poet, and one of the first out transgender students at Lafayette College.

Thomas Gibbons, Class of 1987
Thomas was an engineering major and participant in the first theater productions at the Williams Center in the 1980s.

Catherine Hanlon, Class of 1979
Catherine was a biology major and athlete at Lafayette and pursued careers as an emergency room physician and flight surgeon with the U.S. Air Force. [Full biography not yet available]

Frank Hermann, Class of 1959
Frank (at right) pursued a career as an engineer on urban and regional planning projects. Pictured with Frank is Tony (at left), his husband.

Phil James, Class of 1982
Phil (at right) shares his stories with the QAP about living as a gay student at Lafayette in the 1980s. Pictured with Phil is James Flavell (with flowers) on their 10th anniversary.

Harlan Levinson, Class of 1983
Harlan is a native New Yorker and Vice President and Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley.

Dr. Paul McLoughlin, former Dean of Students
As Dean of Students, Paul was dedicated to creating an inclusive environment for LGBTQ students.

George Mundorf, Class of 1970
George recounts his experiences as a Lafayette College student during the Vietnam War era for the QAP.

Matthew Pagano, Class of 2009
Matthew was instrumental in planning and hosting gender equality events on campus.

Stephen Parahus, Class of 1984
Stephen is an advocate for inclusion and diversity and is responsible for developing LGBTQ charitable partnerships at a global consulting firm.

Stacey-Ann Pearson, Class of 2015
Stacey-Ann conducted research in renewable energy and wastewater management and cofounded the LGBTQ safe space BCD [Behind Closed Doors] while at Lafayette.

Daniel Reynolds, Class of 2008
The former president of QuEST, Lafayette's LGBTQ student group, is now a senior editor at The Advocate, the nation's leading LGBTQ magazine.

Ted Rosenberger, Class of 1988
A serial entrepreneur and technologist, Ted is now the owner and chief pilot of Vertivue, an airplane and helicopter charter company.

Mark Suffredini, Class of 1993
Now a branch manager at Morgan Stanley, Mark also serves as chair of the Lafayette College West Coast Advisory Council.

Riley Temple, Class of 1974
Temple is the first, and to date, the only openly gay Lafayette College Trustee and Board Officer.

Peter Theodore, Class of 1997
As the only openly gay student during his years at Lafayette, Peter led Friends of Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals (FLAGB). He is currently a licensed, practicing psychologist in Los Angeles and an associate professor in the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program of the California School of Professional Psychology.

Carolynn Van Dyke, Francis A. March Professor Emeritus of English
Professor Van Dyke is one of the early founders of Lafayette's Women's Studies program.

Ha Vu, Class of 2017
Closeted for the majority of her college career, Ha now identifies as a cisgender bisexual Asian woman.

Leah Wasacz, Class of 2016
Leah came out as bisexual and transgender while on campus in 2015 and spent the last months of her college career educating people about and advocating for transgender people.

Jennifer Wellnitz, Class of 2019
As a student research assistant on the Queer Archives Project, Jennifer helped develop the data model for the digital humanities site.